Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 1

Day 1= Success! I have made it through Day 1 and only have 9 days till I am going to start incorporating 1 meal a day back into my diet.  I started off breakfast with fruit juice consisting of an apple, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, and a couple of carrots. It was DELICIOUS! Lunch, Supper, and Snacks consisted of more vegetables than fruit.  I combined tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, carrots, romaine lettuce, apples, broccoli, and spinach into some yummy creations.  The best part about these first couple of days is experimenting with different blends and options.  

This is dinner. Yes, it looks kinda gross...But it was pretty tasty! The best trick I've learned so far is adding lemon juice! I wavered between buying a big bag of lemons at Sams and am SOOO glad I did.  It sweetens the vegetables and completely transforms the flavor.  Lemons will definitely be on my shopping list for the next 59 days.  And yes, that is a "juicing" website on my computer.  I can't seem to take in enough information and juicing recipes.  It is quickly becoming a hobby instead of a chore.  

I bought a 12 pack of mason jars at Wal-Mart to store juice in if I need to go to class, work, etc. and they were such a good investment! The mason jars make it easy to keep up with the amount of juice I need to drink.  The Reboot website suggests drinking 4-5, 16 oz juices throughout the day, and my jars just so happen to be 16 oz :) Coincidence? 

I thought I was doing REALLY well today, until I had to visit my mom at her office. Without even thinking about it I removed the lid on her candy jar, stuck my hand inside, and grabbed a purple gum drop, or one of these....
I was just about to pop it into my mouth until my moms expression was this...

I couldn't believe I had forgotten that quickly about my cleanse! At least she was there to save me. 

A huge source of inspiration for this cleanse and journal has been Kristen at Mommy Meltdown.  She completed a 60 day cleanse and her blog has been such a motivation for me, especially during these first couple of days.  Check her blog out for more information! 


  1. I love your blog! Yes the juice doesn’t look attractive, but is yummy.... I love it! Thank you for getting me back to drinking homemade juice. I forgot how good it is for me. I have been fighting a clod for a week and the extra natural vitamins sure does help. It will be fun sharing juice recipes with you. Hope day 2 went as well as day 1.

  2. Thanks Sheri, it's nice to know that someone appreciates my little blog :) And Day 2 went great!
